Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween countdown!

Hey just me today. I'm just letting you all know we have no news! Well except the fact that we are getting ready for our fancy dress Halloween party we are having on Friday night! It should be fun I hope to put some photos up on the blog the day after and I should be able to say if it was a success or not (I'm praying people turn up!). Other than that there is no news so I'll post something more interesting on Saturday! Bye

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Barbeque time!

Hello all. So we haven't been up to much lately which is why we haven't left any messages. We were in the Victoria market in Melbourne city last Saturday which was great for me cause it reminded me of my time here last year. We didn't get much at the market but we did get some nice ham and cheese in one of the delis and Brad bought 6 doughnuts and ate 5 of them! This week we went to see Seamus play in the Celtic club (another old haunt!). It was great as we hadn't seen him play since last year and we met some of his friends and had a good night. I also got some free shoes this week (the benefit of working in a shoe store!). Yesterday Brad got out his BBQ (you can see his photo) and we had a lovely lunch made especially nice by the 27 degrees heat!

Last night we took a trip into the 3rd dimension to see Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D at the cinemas. It was good and Aimee jumped when things flew at the screen and all the kids in the cinema screamed. Had the day off work today so we did the BBQ lunch again. Was still 30 degrees at 6pm today, so another perfect day for it. Also ordered our Halloween costumes. Hopefully should have those by the end of the week!