Sunday, November 23, 2008

News, news, news!

Hello all just me today, Brad is still in work. So Happy birthday again to Eadaoin and Leanne. I bet you both had great birthdays. I haven't got much news. The weather here has been terrible all this week thunderstorms and all! Brad and I haven't been out really, its been too wet. I met Marlene for lunch during the week it was great to see her and start to plan my hen night! Of course its only the Australia one as there will be an Irish one too. We also saw Helen (Brad's mam) and John who came to visit us yesterday. We had a nice lunch and did a bit of shopping (Helen bought a Nintendo DS and insisted it had to be pink!).
Okay so let me see what else.... we had dinner with Seamus and Jocelyn Ryan a couple of weeks ago and then the next day called over to their house to see Niamh who is just so funny and cute! We also called up to Narelle (Brad's sister) and Bruce's to see Nicholas for his birthday. So the wedding plans are continuing, we have organised my wedding band which is the hard one to sort out cause of the style of the engagement ring. And Brad has his suit and looks very handsome in it. I'm sure he'll make the perfect groom but then I am biased! Anyway there's no more news. I'm meeting up with Lindsey and Marlene this week so it should be fun. Bye!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had our Halloween party last night. Because Halloween is still widely unrecognized in Australia, it ended up being more a small get together but was a lot of fun none the less. The house was fully decked out for the event with bats and a carved pumpkin. I dressed as Obi wan from Star Wars clone wars and Aimee was a french Napoleonic officer. We had BBQ sausages and chicken along with salad, lots of nibbly things and a host of spooky Halloween themed songs playing through the night.

So it was a good time had by all anyway. And we had a chainsaw massacre and some very suspicious pies cooked by Mrs. Lovett! We are trying to convince Scott and Mel to have a party next year and we're even giving them our spider chandelier to get them started! We've put a few photos below so take a look!