Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hey so we have a bit of news cause we haven't updated our blog in a bit. We had Aaron over to stay with us last weekend. It was great we did the Viking splash tour which was cool, and we went to the phoenix park for a walk and a picnic. We went out with my friends to celebrate my birthday and it was fun all round! Then Aaron left us to return to London. We didn't do much this week as I was working nearly every day but today (Sunday) we bought a L.C.D. T.V. Its great we're watching Top Gear on the big screen like we used to!
Did the Viking Splash Tour of Dublin. Its a tour on an old amphibious bus that gives you a bit of a viking history of Dublin while you drive around wearing viking hats and giving viking cheers out to passers by. The bus then goes into the canal and does a quick lap before returning to dry land.