Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year

Well it's been a while since we left a message but we have got some news to tell. We had a lovely Christmas. We got lots of lovely presents and had a lovely Christmas day alyhough I'm sure you're more interested in hearing what Brad thought of a cold Christmas! Our New year started off well too. We went to a gig in the city with some of my friends. The band were good and we had a laugh and when we got outside we had gotten our first snowfall of the winter and it was very beautiful! We are not so sure now as we have had a lot of snow since then! Its also been very cold! It was our first aniversary yesterday and it was snowing as we left the restaurant last night (very different to our lovely warm wedding this time last year!).

Christmas was wierd without lots of driving in the sun, sitting out in the sun and having daylight in the evening. New Years eve with snow just can't hold a candle to barbeques and sitting outside having drinks on a hot night with loads of fireworks in the sky. The 1st picture was taken after the 1st big snowfall and there is much more on the ground now.
Loads of snow on the ground makes it seem like we're up in the mountains and it's made it hard to get around town. Still nice though to get cosy and warm inside at night and be able to still get decent sleeps. Had a good christmas and new years though. The snow is also nice as long as we dont have to leave the house. Kids are even sledding down the slopes in the nearby parks. Getting to work last week was a nightmare, taking me almost 3 hours to get to work (normally a 15min trip). Still Ireland seems to be not so bad off compared to the UK and much of Europe. Good to know this isn't a "typical" Irish winter.