Sunday, June 20, 2010


We were delighted to be off this week, not only to enjoy the lovely weather we have had, but also because Jason came to visit us in Ireland. He didn't come alone either! He was travelling with his friends Barbara and Katie both of whom are lovely! They arrived on Wednesday and Brad and I met them at the airport. That afternoon after they sorted out accommodation we headed to the Guinness storehouse where the girls poured their own pints and Jason drank his! While they were here we did trips to Newgrange and Knowth and we took them to the two sisters (my parents local!). We also had a nice day yesterday at Powerscourt waterfall and walking around the gardens. They left here this morning and we dropped them to the airport. It's been a busy few days and we're back to work tomorrow but it was so nice to have visitors!

They all seemed to have a really good time and enjoyed the local atmosphere, especially watching the World Cup match in the Woolshed (Aussie/NZ bar in the city) on wednesday night. They got a true taste of the "World Cup fever" i think. It was good hearing some aussie accents again too. Hopefully the nice weather keeps up and we have a good summer. As Jason, Barb and Katie found out, 18 degrees here feels a lot warmer than 18 in Australia. Must be a humidity thing.