Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Getting ready for Halloween

So at the moment we are getting ready for Halloween which is on Sunday. We are having a bit of a party on Saturday. It will be at our appartment and we are going to watch a few Halloween movies! Brad is carving a pumpkin again this year as he did the year we had the party in Australia. So we will have to post photos on the blog. There is no other news really. Everything is quiet here and we haven't been up to much. The weather is turning much colder its much more like winter.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Heritage park

Well a few weeks ago Brad and I were off and we took a trip to the heritage park in county Wexford. It was a nice day and the park is organised so that as you walk around the park you pass through different periods of early irish history. You walk from early Irish settlements, through the bronze age settlements on to early irish cristain settlements. We took some photos which I'll post. We also went out last weekend for my friend Niamh's 30th birthday. It was a Karaoke night with dinner and cocktails after! Brad joined us later in the night as he was working. We have no other news though. My book club is reading Rebecca and Brad is enjoying the course he's doing on a monday night.