Sunday, November 28, 2010

First snowfall

So sorry I haven't posted anything in ages but now I have lots to say! Brad has got a new job he starts working for Power City (kind of like the good guys) on the 6th of december. So he's very happy about that. I went to the All blacks match in the new Aviva stadium last weekend which was amazing. Ireland lost of course but the stadium is fantastic and the match was very good (at one point we were even leading the scores but that was early in the first half!). It's very cold here at the moment, as I type this it's -5 degrees! But thats an improvement on this morning when it was -7. As you can guess from the blog title we have had some snow this weekend which has destroyed my Christmas shopping! Its very pretty out but traffic will be bad going into town and its very cold so I'm spending the day inside! Ive attached some photos I took this morning just from our estate. Maybe we will even have a white Christmas.

halloween pics

Here is the pumpkin Brad carved with his piratey face! Lit and un-lit. And a picture of the Aviva stadium just before the Ireland v All Blacks rugby match last weekend.