Saturday, December 24, 2011

Early Christmas presents

So here is an early Christmas present! Some photos of a smiling Rory! He has been very happy this week smiling away which has given us the opportunity to photograph them! He is not very excited about Christmas morning and Santa coming but Brad and I are excited on his behalf! Tomorrow should be a great day spent with my family in my parents house and we will be up early to talk to Brad's family in Australia which we're looking forward to. So Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Snow time

We woke up this morning and it was starting to snow! Although I am excited for Rory's first snow I am hoping it doesn't stick or we may be stuck in the house with the heating on full!!!! Still Rory is happy so far all wrapped up warm.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

more photos of Rory

So here is a few more photos of Rory especially one taken while Brad was giving him a bath so hes all naked! And also one of Rory in his bear suit!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baby Rory

Sorry it's been so long since I put up a post but our beautiful baby Rory was born on the 29th of October and I've not found the time since!! He is 5 weeks old now and he is doing great. He sleeps well in 4-6 hour shifts between bottles, he is alert the rest of the time and doesn't scream the house down much! He is always full of smiles for his Daddy and misses him a lot during the day as Brad had to return to work when he was 2 weeks old.
We have gotten so many gifts and cards since he was born and we'd like to say thank you very much to everyone who sent them and for all the congratulations we received. Rory is very lucky.
I will post more regularly from now on but I'm attaching some photos of Rory from the last few weeks.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So Saturday was the Baby shower and it was a great success! We had a wonderful tea party in my mams house with lots of guests! Gemma made some beautiful cakes and I made the sandwiches. My mam got out a tea service that she had gotten as her wedding present from my uncle Mairtin. There were 12 guests all told and everyone had a good time and got some cake to bring home! The baby is being spoiled already with beautiful baby grows and vests from Leanne, Emer, Gemma, Marianna and Lorraine. Niamh bought the bambino a moses basket which is going to be very helpful and Donna bought the baby a lamb toy and a lovely photo frame. My aunt Mary had knitted a gorgeous baby blanket and so had my mam along with lots of cardigans! But the "classiest" present came from my uncle Richie who bought a Tiffany's silver spoon so the baby can be born with a silver spoon!
We got the all clear from the Hospital scan too so for the moment its a natural birth not a c-section which has me very relieved I must say!
Brad and I are on a few days holiday now and we have been painting one of the bedrooms but that's all we're up to.

Photos from Cork

Fota Wildlife park Brad and the Maras (which he claims are the legendary Mexican Chupacabra!) and me and the Giraffe!

Monday, September 26, 2011

New home!

Sorry we haven't been in touch lately! First we got a new rental a 3 bedroom house near to my parents house. Then we went on a little holiday to Cork for 3 days after we had signed the lease. Then, the week after, we moved house! So we have been here for a week now and we're settling in well. We hand over the keys to our apartment in Chapelizod on Wednesday. This place has a lot more room and we are enjoying all the space! We have done a little bit of work on it. Andy fixed some of the electrics for us and Brad and I bought some new furniture in Ikea (a sofa, a coffee table and a chest of drawers). We also got some curtains and new light shades to off set the 1970's style in the house!!
Its looking very homey now and I am enjoying getting the Baby's room ready. Its not long now only 6 weeks to go! I have a scan this week to see how things are and we will know more then.
As for our holiday to Cork was great. We stayed in a nice hotel and relaxed a lot. We went to Fota wildlife park where Brad took some wonderful photos I hope to post on the blog once I find my camera!! We also went to cobh on the sea front and that was lovely. We didn't see much else but I get very tired easily at the moment so we spent some time relaxing in the hotel.
Anyway the baby is kicking away right now probably wants to be mentioned in this post! I will go and update everyone on the baby after the scan on Thursday!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Here is a proper photo of Brad as Thor

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Birthday photos

Here is the photos from the party. We also went to the zoo this week and Brad took some great photos which I'll post soon.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Aimee's 30th Birthday

Hello, well, it was my birthday last week (the 18th) and we've been having a very busy time of it because of that! I took the day off and spent it relaxing and getting a pedicure. Brad had to work late that day but we had gone to see Harry Potter the day before and out for dinner on the Saturday night. This Saturday just gone (the 23rd) I had my 30th birthday party. My parents hosted it as they have a big garden and it was all decorated by Andy. It was a mad hatters tea party and the garden looked great with all the lights and a cheshire cat up the tree! Gemma made all the cakes which were multi-coloured and so tasty! It was fancy dress which was lots of fun!!
My mam and dad were Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd, Gemma was the queen of hearts, Andy a pirate, Brad was Thor,Marsha was a twister game, Niamh was someone attacked by an alien, Shirley Snow White, Graham- captain Jack sparrow, Leanne and Craig were the king and queen of hearts cards, emer and Francis were dressed up as a gangster and a 1920's flapper girl, Clementine was a can-can dancer and I think thats everyone. Oh and I was Alice from Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland! Im going to post photos needless to say it was a brilliant night and Brad and I were exhausted on Sunday.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby update

Hello everyone sorry it's been a while since we left a post but we have some news and some photos. The baby is doing well we had a scan this morning and the midwife was very happy. The baby was a bit shy, waving at us in the begining (wrigling its fingers) but then hiding its face! The baby stretched away while the heart was checked (which looked great). The brain, kidneys, bladder and spine all looked normal and we were happy to hear there appear to be no problems that they can tell.
Ive got some photos
one of the baby's face side profile

one of the baby's foot

and one of the baby where you can see the spine.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Brad's birthday

Thank you everyone for the birthday greetings for Brad's birthday! He had a nice time out in Vermillion for dinner the Saturday before his birthday. We had 14 people out to dinner and then we went for some drinks after. Everyone had a good time even Brad who had the flu and was a bit under the weather.

The next day we went to the Tutankhamun exhibit in the RDS. It was very good you walk through the exhibit seeing it bit by bit as it was first seen by the archaeologists. Then you get to view all the treasures individually and as they are all replicas you get to view them up close and without glass in the way. It is very well done. Brad's birthday was on Tuesday. We just had some dinner and stayed in. Brad got lots of presents for his birthday though so he was happy.

Last night we watched the Eurovision which as usual was a bit of a laugh. Some of the songs were dire and that includes Jedward the Irish entry! Still we came 8th so we can't have been that disagreeable to the rest of europe!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Exciting news

Well last weekend we were at Shirley and Graham's wedding and we had a great time but then during the week we had a bit of excitement too. Brad and I are expecting a baby! And during the week we had our first scan! We got to see the baby for the first time and the bambino has little hands and fingers already! I'm 11 weeks now so the countdown has begun! So check out the scan photo. You can see a little hand up near the head.

Shirley and Graham's wedding

Some photos from Shirley and Graham's wedding last weekend

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy st patricks day

Yesterday was St Patricks Day. I had the day off but Brad was working still it was a nice day and I got to watch the parade on tv. Last week however we had a nice holiday in Edinburgh. It was lovely. The weather was cold though it snowed overnight while we were there. Brad enjoyed the ghost tour that we did and the Edinburgh dungeons which were great fun. I liked the castle as its very impressive and can be seen from nearly everywhere in the city. I also like the statue to scotlands most famous dog "Greyfriars Bobby" which I have a photo of. Oh and just before I go I'll just say I can't wait for Shirley and Grahams wedding. I was at her hen night just before my holiday and the wedding is not too long now (April 9th). Can't wait!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

All the Christmas and New Year news

Sorry its been so long since we have put up a post we have had a lot on lately. Christmas was a busy time Brad was working all the time in his new job and we had a very heavy snowfall in the week running up to Christmas. It meant we had to dig the car out on Christmas morning so we could drive to my parents.
We had a lovely Christmas day though and a nice quiet New year. We have also been very lucky with the weather since then, there has been no snow. although we have had a few frosts.
Brad and I had our second anniversary. Its amazing we cant believe its been 2 years!
There's not much other news. Im studying for an exam I'm going to sit in a few months, its to do with work. Brad is working away. We are hoping to move house soon. In a month or so we hope.