Sunday, January 23, 2011

All the Christmas and New Year news

Sorry its been so long since we have put up a post we have had a lot on lately. Christmas was a busy time Brad was working all the time in his new job and we had a very heavy snowfall in the week running up to Christmas. It meant we had to dig the car out on Christmas morning so we could drive to my parents.
We had a lovely Christmas day though and a nice quiet New year. We have also been very lucky with the weather since then, there has been no snow. although we have had a few frosts.
Brad and I had our second anniversary. Its amazing we cant believe its been 2 years!
There's not much other news. Im studying for an exam I'm going to sit in a few months, its to do with work. Brad is working away. We are hoping to move house soon. In a month or so we hope.