Sunday, July 31, 2011

Birthday photos

Here is the photos from the party. We also went to the zoo this week and Brad took some great photos which I'll post soon.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Aimee's 30th Birthday

Hello, well, it was my birthday last week (the 18th) and we've been having a very busy time of it because of that! I took the day off and spent it relaxing and getting a pedicure. Brad had to work late that day but we had gone to see Harry Potter the day before and out for dinner on the Saturday night. This Saturday just gone (the 23rd) I had my 30th birthday party. My parents hosted it as they have a big garden and it was all decorated by Andy. It was a mad hatters tea party and the garden looked great with all the lights and a cheshire cat up the tree! Gemma made all the cakes which were multi-coloured and so tasty! It was fancy dress which was lots of fun!!
My mam and dad were Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd, Gemma was the queen of hearts, Andy a pirate, Brad was Thor,Marsha was a twister game, Niamh was someone attacked by an alien, Shirley Snow White, Graham- captain Jack sparrow, Leanne and Craig were the king and queen of hearts cards, emer and Francis were dressed up as a gangster and a 1920's flapper girl, Clementine was a can-can dancer and I think thats everyone. Oh and I was Alice from Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland! Im going to post photos needless to say it was a brilliant night and Brad and I were exhausted on Sunday.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby update

Hello everyone sorry it's been a while since we left a post but we have some news and some photos. The baby is doing well we had a scan this morning and the midwife was very happy. The baby was a bit shy, waving at us in the begining (wrigling its fingers) but then hiding its face! The baby stretched away while the heart was checked (which looked great). The brain, kidneys, bladder and spine all looked normal and we were happy to hear there appear to be no problems that they can tell.
Ive got some photos
one of the baby's face side profile

one of the baby's foot

and one of the baby where you can see the spine.