Monday, September 26, 2011

New home!

Sorry we haven't been in touch lately! First we got a new rental a 3 bedroom house near to my parents house. Then we went on a little holiday to Cork for 3 days after we had signed the lease. Then, the week after, we moved house! So we have been here for a week now and we're settling in well. We hand over the keys to our apartment in Chapelizod on Wednesday. This place has a lot more room and we are enjoying all the space! We have done a little bit of work on it. Andy fixed some of the electrics for us and Brad and I bought some new furniture in Ikea (a sofa, a coffee table and a chest of drawers). We also got some curtains and new light shades to off set the 1970's style in the house!!
Its looking very homey now and I am enjoying getting the Baby's room ready. Its not long now only 6 weeks to go! I have a scan this week to see how things are and we will know more then.
As for our holiday to Cork was great. We stayed in a nice hotel and relaxed a lot. We went to Fota wildlife park where Brad took some wonderful photos I hope to post on the blog once I find my camera!! We also went to cobh on the sea front and that was lovely. We didn't see much else but I get very tired easily at the moment so we spent some time relaxing in the hotel.
Anyway the baby is kicking away right now probably wants to be mentioned in this post! I will go and update everyone on the baby after the scan on Thursday!