Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Teeth

Hello all, I'm just writing a short message to say Rory has got a new tooth. The count is now at 5 and we can see 2 more on the way. He also had his 12 month vaccinations today and took it very well. The weather is nice and mild at the moment it doesn't really feel like winter although that could change at any time. I have nothing else to report. I hope everyone is enjoying the videos leave a comment if you can we love to hear that people are watching them!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Well we have had a chance to recover from all the celebrating on Monday. Rory had two parties one in our house complete with cake and balloons the other in Nana and Grandads with halloween decorations and fancy dress (Rory was dressed as a lion)! We took lots of videos and photos which brad will put up over the next few days. Rory got lots of gifts from Grandparents and great-Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles, Great-Aunts and Uncles too, not to mention from Mama and Dada and everyone else! He got toys and clothes and so many books and he is still trying to play with everything at once! If he could talk (more than saying Dada) he would say thank you to everyone for all the attention!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rory is 1 year old!   Rory got spoilt rotten and had a great day.  Here is a video of his reaction in the morning when he walked in to see his birthday surprises.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rory is walking

Well Rory did it!! He walked by himself last Thursday night and since then he has become more confident and is now crossing the floor all by himself. Brad and I are delighted and Brad has a video of him which he will post later. There's no stopping him now!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Walking the pier

Well our holiday continues yesterday we went to Dun laoghaire (pronounced dun leary) to walk the pier and show Rory the boats. It was a bit cold at the sea but we all wrapped up warm and it was much warmer away from the water. I took a photo of Brad and Rory which I really like. Brad will post the zoo video later but I forgot to mention Rory loved feeding the goats at the farm which we got on camera. Brad might post this video instead.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rory's zoo trip!

Brad and I are on holidays this week! It's great to be off together for more than a day. We were busy monday sorting out the house, getting rid of old clothes and boxing up Rory's baby things. Today though we decided to take Rory to the zoo. The weather was bright but cold so Rory was all bundled up. He wanted out of his buggy most of the time and was interested in lots of the animals. He liked the sealions and the penguins the elephants and the lions but he paid attention to anything that moved. Check out the video of Rory watching the elephants that Brad will post, he is very serious watching them and looses interest easily but he was fascinated when he first saw them. It was a great day for us all and Rory was full of smiles before he fell asleep on the way home.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rory has mastered the art of turning his walker as he demonstrates by chasing me in this video.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Well on Monday Rory started talking. His first word was "dada" and now he is saying dadadadadada over and over again! We are delighted he's starting to communicate but as Brad has pointed out he still hasn't worked out that dada means Brad!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Well its been a while since the last post and lots has happened. I had a wonderful birthday with lots of cards and presents. I also finished my patchwork playmat for Rory with help from Niamh and her mum Tina. Rory has been coming on in leaps and bounds. He has been getting around by commando crawling (wriggling along on his tummy) until last Friday when he got up on his hands and knees and crawled across the floor much to our delight! Now we really cant slow him down! He is starting to pull himself up on furniture now too!!
We have been watching the Olympics and cheering on every country he seemed
to like the swimming a lot. This is no surprise as he loves his bath and his paddling pool. So yesterday we took him to the beach for a paddle in the sea! Brad, Rory and I went along with my mam, dad and uncle Mairtin. We had a lovely day sun was shinning the beach was beautiful and Rory loved the sand! The cold sea he was not so sure about but you can see from the photo he got used to it and started enjoying it. So we may have a swimmer on our hands!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Driving the box

Rory took a drive in his nappy box around the living room.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rory Webtexting

Rory decided he'd like to send some text messages on the laptop.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rory in the Park

Well this week my uncle Rich was over from California on his way to France. We had a lovely big family dinner in my parents last Sunday and during the week Rory and I went with Rich and my mam to Marlay Park. We had a nice picnic even though it wasn't very sunny and after we took Rory to the toddler playground. He had a go on the swing and on the bouncers. The day got hotter when we were on our way home and we all ended up sitting in our back garden enjoying the sunshine.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Paddling pool

Well it has been a very hot week (for Ireland anyway) we have had sunshine and up to 25 degrees. Brad got Rory a paddling pool to cool down and he had a lovely splash around on Monday. You'll be happy to hear he also got a ball to kick around although he doesn't find it as funny as the baby wipes sliding across the floor!! Everyone likes that video shot on the spur of the moment in the hall upstairs. We are still laughing at it ourselves! Oh and Rory says Happy Birthday to his uncle Jason!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kick it to me

I think somebody needs a ball...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Brads birthday

There was a lot happening this week. Brad has taken some time off work and is not back till Tuesday. It was his birthday on Thursday and we went shopping in Blanchardstown. We then went out to dinner to vermillion that night while my mam looked after Rory. Rory has lots of news this week too. He got his first tooth on Thursday (bottom front tooth) and it feels like he's getting another one. We also moved his cot into his own room and he had his first nights sleep on his own. Then only today he rolled over onto his stomach for the first time! So its all go with him!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Rory sitting up

Well this week has been a bit quiet. As you can see from the photo Rory is sitting up unaided which is great. He's not pulling himself up into a sitting position yet though. Helen asked me to take some photos of him so here is a cute one. He turned 6 months last Sunday (time is just flying by), so he got his 6 month vaccination during the week and was a bit out of sorts but he's fine now.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

New adventures in feeding

Well weve been fairly quiet recently. Rory is flying along doing new things all the time and learning new tastes. He has only started eating petits filous (baby yoghurts) and he likes them but he makes a mess eating them (see the photo). On Sunday he will be 6 months old. We can't believe it. The time has flown by and he has changed so much. He laughs and smiles all the time and he's very good. He is still trying really hard to walk and is much more coordinated on his feet. Brad keeps saying we should do a new video of him walking. Not much else is happening I go back to work in a month which will be a big change for us all.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Rory

Happy Easter. Here is a photo of Rory just out of the bath. Hope everyone gets lots of easter eggs. Rory wont be having any this year but we'll have some on his behalf I'm sure!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bye bye sunshine

Well we had a beautiful week of sun last week. Rory was out exploring the back garden every day. It was not too hot only reaching 21 degrees at its hottest but its dropped down to 3 degrees now. Still while the weather was nice Rory got out to play and even got to wear his shorts. Ive put up a few photos of him enjoying the sunshine. Lets hope its not the only sun we get this year.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Here's Rory practicing his walking (stomping) technique.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

Today is mothers day and I got a lovely card and voucher off my wonderful son who is "Perfect" as you can see below!!!

We also got our Leprechaun photo sorted!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Patricks Day 2012

Happy St Patricks Day!
From Brad, Aimee and Rory.

We happened to photograph a leprechaun and will post the photo as soon as we can get it off the camera.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The coolest baby!

Check out Rory in the Oakleys!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well we have some news this week. My dad finished the cot for Rory and it looks fantastic you can check out the photo of Rory smiling away in his new cot! He was also supporting Ireland in the rugby this weekend! Brad and I were out for the first night out with ourfriends since he was born and my parents looked after him. He was very good for them, he is very good most the time anyway. He will be four months tomorrow and has a weigh in this week and also a vacination.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Daddy and Rory day

So on Thursday Brad got to spend the day with Rory just the two of them together. I went to London for the day (courtesy of Work) to pick up an award I won for my diploma results (I sat the exams last year). I also got a lovely cheque for £300 so all in all it was a great day for me! I even stopped by Hamleys toy store to pick up a big teddy bear for Rory and he likes it a lot (see the photo!).
Brad had a great time with Rory, I don't think he even noticed I was gone (Rory not Brad I mean) and they both came to pick me up at the airport so it was a good day all round!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rory's Christening

Sunday was Rory's Christening. It was a great day. Rory wore a christening outfit which my grandmother had made years ago as a family heirloom to be passed on and Rory was the first to be christened in it. He was mostly well behaved he didn't cry when the water was poured on his head but he did cry with the rest of the blessings I think it was all the fussing that upset him.
The rest of the day went well we had a party in my parents house with sandwiches, pavlova and a wonderful christening cake which Niamh made. Rory got lots of presents and looked very cute when he was changed into his shirt and trousers!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rory's first Christmas

So we all had a great Christmas and New Year. Rory was inundated with Christmas presents! Thank you to everyone who gave him one. He was spoiled and didn't even know it! I have attached some photos of him from over Christmas. He wore his lovely santa suit on Christmas day and was dressed as a Reindeer on St. Stephens day. Im currently watching him and Brad snooze on the couch while WALL-E is on t.v.! Brad and I had a wonderful Christmas too although Brad had to work for a good deal of it. We didn't do anything for New Year just spent the evening at home and watched the fireworks in London on the t.v. I think 2012 will be a good year for us especially with Rory around. We celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary on Monday the 9th which is amazing because it doesn't feel like we've been married that long! We are going to enjoy a nice meal on Sunday night to celebrate with my parents minding Rory for us.