Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rory's Christening

Sunday was Rory's Christening. It was a great day. Rory wore a christening outfit which my grandmother had made years ago as a family heirloom to be passed on and Rory was the first to be christened in it. He was mostly well behaved he didn't cry when the water was poured on his head but he did cry with the rest of the blessings I think it was all the fussing that upset him.
The rest of the day went well we had a party in my parents house with sandwiches, pavlova and a wonderful christening cake which Niamh made. Rory got lots of presents and looked very cute when he was changed into his shirt and trousers!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rory's first Christmas

So we all had a great Christmas and New Year. Rory was inundated with Christmas presents! Thank you to everyone who gave him one. He was spoiled and didn't even know it! I have attached some photos of him from over Christmas. He wore his lovely santa suit on Christmas day and was dressed as a Reindeer on St. Stephens day. Im currently watching him and Brad snooze on the couch while WALL-E is on t.v.! Brad and I had a wonderful Christmas too although Brad had to work for a good deal of it. We didn't do anything for New Year just spent the evening at home and watched the fireworks in London on the t.v. I think 2012 will be a good year for us especially with Rory around. We celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary on Monday the 9th which is amazing because it doesn't feel like we've been married that long! We are going to enjoy a nice meal on Sunday night to celebrate with my parents minding Rory for us.