Thursday, April 26, 2012

New adventures in feeding

Well weve been fairly quiet recently. Rory is flying along doing new things all the time and learning new tastes. He has only started eating petits filous (baby yoghurts) and he likes them but he makes a mess eating them (see the photo). On Sunday he will be 6 months old. We can't believe it. The time has flown by and he has changed so much. He laughs and smiles all the time and he's very good. He is still trying really hard to walk and is much more coordinated on his feet. Brad keeps saying we should do a new video of him walking. Not much else is happening I go back to work in a month which will be a big change for us all.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Rory

Happy Easter. Here is a photo of Rory just out of the bath. Hope everyone gets lots of easter eggs. Rory wont be having any this year but we'll have some on his behalf I'm sure!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bye bye sunshine

Well we had a beautiful week of sun last week. Rory was out exploring the back garden every day. It was not too hot only reaching 21 degrees at its hottest but its dropped down to 3 degrees now. Still while the weather was nice Rory got out to play and even got to wear his shorts. Ive put up a few photos of him enjoying the sunshine. Lets hope its not the only sun we get this year.