Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Paddling pool

Well it has been a very hot week (for Ireland anyway) we have had sunshine and up to 25 degrees. Brad got Rory a paddling pool to cool down and he had a lovely splash around on Monday. You'll be happy to hear he also got a ball to kick around although he doesn't find it as funny as the baby wipes sliding across the floor!! Everyone likes that video shot on the spur of the moment in the hall upstairs. We are still laughing at it ourselves! Oh and Rory says Happy Birthday to his uncle Jason!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kick it to me

I think somebody needs a ball...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Brads birthday

There was a lot happening this week. Brad has taken some time off work and is not back till Tuesday. It was his birthday on Thursday and we went shopping in Blanchardstown. We then went out to dinner to vermillion that night while my mam looked after Rory. Rory has lots of news this week too. He got his first tooth on Thursday (bottom front tooth) and it feels like he's getting another one. We also moved his cot into his own room and he had his first nights sleep on his own. Then only today he rolled over onto his stomach for the first time! So its all go with him!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Rory sitting up

Well this week has been a bit quiet. As you can see from the photo Rory is sitting up unaided which is great. He's not pulling himself up into a sitting position yet though. Helen asked me to take some photos of him so here is a cute one. He turned 6 months last Sunday (time is just flying by), so he got his 6 month vaccination during the week and was a bit out of sorts but he's fine now.