Friday, June 29, 2012

Driving the box

Rory took a drive in his nappy box around the living room.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rory Webtexting

Rory decided he'd like to send some text messages on the laptop.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rory in the Park

Well this week my uncle Rich was over from California on his way to France. We had a lovely big family dinner in my parents last Sunday and during the week Rory and I went with Rich and my mam to Marlay Park. We had a nice picnic even though it wasn't very sunny and after we took Rory to the toddler playground. He had a go on the swing and on the bouncers. The day got hotter when we were on our way home and we all ended up sitting in our back garden enjoying the sunshine.