Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Well on Monday Rory started talking. His first word was "dada" and now he is saying dadadadadada over and over again! We are delighted he's starting to communicate but as Brad has pointed out he still hasn't worked out that dada means Brad!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Well its been a while since the last post and lots has happened. I had a wonderful birthday with lots of cards and presents. I also finished my patchwork playmat for Rory with help from Niamh and her mum Tina. Rory has been coming on in leaps and bounds. He has been getting around by commando crawling (wriggling along on his tummy) until last Friday when he got up on his hands and knees and crawled across the floor much to our delight! Now we really cant slow him down! He is starting to pull himself up on furniture now too!!
We have been watching the Olympics and cheering on every country he seemed
to like the swimming a lot. This is no surprise as he loves his bath and his paddling pool. So yesterday we took him to the beach for a paddle in the sea! Brad, Rory and I went along with my mam, dad and uncle Mairtin. We had a lovely day sun was shinning the beach was beautiful and Rory loved the sand! The cold sea he was not so sure about but you can see from the photo he got used to it and started enjoying it. So we may have a swimmer on our hands!!