Friday, September 21, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Walking the pier

Well our holiday continues yesterday we went to Dun laoghaire (pronounced dun leary) to walk the pier and show Rory the boats. It was a bit cold at the sea but we all wrapped up warm and it was much warmer away from the water. I took a photo of Brad and Rory which I really like. Brad will post the zoo video later but I forgot to mention Rory loved feeding the goats at the farm which we got on camera. Brad might post this video instead.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rory's zoo trip!

Brad and I are on holidays this week! It's great to be off together for more than a day. We were busy monday sorting out the house, getting rid of old clothes and boxing up Rory's baby things. Today though we decided to take Rory to the zoo. The weather was bright but cold so Rory was all bundled up. He wanted out of his buggy most of the time and was interested in lots of the animals. He liked the sealions and the penguins the elephants and the lions but he paid attention to anything that moved. Check out the video of Rory watching the elephants that Brad will post, he is very serious watching them and looses interest easily but he was fascinated when he first saw them. It was a great day for us all and Rory was full of smiles before he fell asleep on the way home.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rory has mastered the art of turning his walker as he demonstrates by chasing me in this video.