Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Well we have had a chance to recover from all the celebrating on Monday. Rory had two parties one in our house complete with cake and balloons the other in Nana and Grandads with halloween decorations and fancy dress (Rory was dressed as a lion)! We took lots of videos and photos which brad will put up over the next few days. Rory got lots of gifts from Grandparents and great-Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles, Great-Aunts and Uncles too, not to mention from Mama and Dada and everyone else! He got toys and clothes and so many books and he is still trying to play with everything at once! If he could talk (more than saying Dada) he would say thank you to everyone for all the attention!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rory is 1 year old!   Rory got spoilt rotten and had a great day.  Here is a video of his reaction in the morning when he walked in to see his birthday surprises.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rory is walking

Well Rory did it!! He walked by himself last Thursday night and since then he has become more confident and is now crossing the floor all by himself. Brad and I are delighted and Brad has a video of him which he will post later. There's no stopping him now!!