Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hallway Football

Rory and I having a kick of his ball up and down the hallway.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rory is two!!

Hello everyone,
Rory had his second birthday yesterday. We can't believe how quickly its come round. We had a party for him on Sunday, Fancy dress of course. Brad was a cowboy, Rory was a hobbit and a very cute one he was too, and in keeping with the Lord of the Rings style I was Cate Blanchetts character Galadriel. Mam, Dad, Gem, Kev, Andy and Saoirse all dressed up too. We had a bit of a party Rory got lots of presents and then blew out his candles (after crying when everyone sang Happy Birthday). 
His actual birthday was great too. Brad and I set up his presents for him to find that morning and he was full of awe and wonder. We skyped Helen in Australia and then went to the Aquatic centre to the water park. He loved going on the slides in the water and splashing around. We had lunch at TGI Fridays and after he got new shoes. So he was worn out by the time we came home! Everyone was over for dinner and he got to show off all his presents. Brad and I had bought him a circus tent from Ikea and put balloons in it and he was so impressed he wanted to sleep in it last night!
Anyway I'm sure Ill have another post soon as I sort out the photos and videos from his birthday.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Halloween week and Rory and I had fun with a new toy car and some halloween decorations.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Moving home

Hello all. We moved back home to my parents house 10 days ago and have been settling in fine. Its a bit stressful moving and then we had to unpack everything that didn't go into storage but we're doing better now. Rory loves living with Nana and granddad. He thinks its all a big holiday! Brad and I are delighted to be able to save for our deposit for our own house. We got back our deposit too from the other house which was good. 
Check out Rory in the garden the other week he looks just like a little man!
We have a few days off next week and we're heading to Galway for two nights and also to the zoo on Sunday. It will be nice to have a break, relax a bit and have fun with Rory.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Delayed news

Sorry its been so long since I've updated the blog. Weve been busy! It was my birthday in July and we had a lovely heat-wave. Its cooled down a lot now though. Rory is still running around like crazy and only saying mama, dada and uh-oh. Still we have high hopes he will say something different soon!
Im incluing some photos from my birthday when Brad and I took Rory to DunLaoire pier. It was very hot but we had a lovely walk and Rory got his first ice-cream cone which he tried to squeeze in half!
I had a barbeque that weekend to celebrate which was great. 
We have some other news, we have to move house as the owner wants to sell this house. It means a lot of stress for the next few weeks while we find somewhere, move and get settled. Still I hope it will all be done before Christmas.
Anyway if we do have news I'll post soon.                                   

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Here's a link for Rory having a play with his chopping board.  Much better quality than our usual videos.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Shock and Thaw

This is a video from the winter we meant to put up a while back.  Rory's surprise at the snow cover in the back yard.

Rory's first holiday

Here's a little clip from Rory playing on the beach at Rosslare, Wexford.  His first trip away from home overnight.  Just a shame the weather was a bit overcast and windy.  We still had a good time playing on the beach.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Nearly Brad's birthday

Hey everyone, just checking in. Rory is in great form he has learnt how to climb all the chairs in our house so nothing is safe any longer!! Last Sunday I went out for afternoon tea with my mam, Gemma, Saoirse and Catherine for my mams birthday. We got all dressed up and went to the Shelbourne and it was so fancy! The food was great we even had a cup made out of chocolate! Brad and I went to Steven and Ciaras wedding which was lovely and we had a great time!
 We have been getting ready for a visit from Aaron and Shelly (from Australia) happening next week which is coincidentally Brads birthday! We are going out for a few drinks too next Saturday night. I'm making him a chocolate cake for his birthday and we will have it this Sunday at mam and dads. It should be a good celebration! Rory got a cookie monster which counts cookies and he thinks its great he keeps saying "nom nom"! Here is a photo of him with it and the zoo photos along with the afternoon tea photo!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Late News

Hello there sorry I haven't posted lately we never get the time. Rory is so time consuming! Recently we took him to the zoo where he enjoyed watching the red pandas and the crocodiles. He's had his first tim tam and also his first bit of chocolate. He made biscuits with me for Easter and got all excited cutting them from the dough. 
Easter was great Brad and I were off for 2 days and we got to spend time with Rory. He had an Easter egg hunt in my parents and worked it out after he found the first egg in a flour pot! Yesterday we bought him a slide and he has been so excited since he just wants to keep going on it!! I took a video which I should post along with some photos from the last few weeks. That's it news wise.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Running man

Rory doing some laps of the house.

Tim Tam Time

Rory has his first Tim Tam and tries to make it last as long as possible.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The great outdoors

Rory's new favourite passtime: Inspecting the garden.

Horsing around

Riding Bullseye the horse.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sweeping up

Rory loves giving the kitchen a good sweep.


Rory enjoying a bowl of sliced apple...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Year 2013

Hello, it's been so long since we posted anything. At first we were so busy in the run up to Christmas then after Christmas we were busy trying to get back to normal!! Rory received lots of presents and had a great time. Brad didn't get much time off and was working every Sunday the month of December so he was very busy but its settled down now. I had time off over Christmas which I spent with Rory and Brad and I also celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. 
Since Christmas Rory has gotten more teeth (molars this time) and he has become very proficient at sweeping the kitchen floor! Still not saying much mostly just Dada but he makes up for his lack of vocabulary in volume! He is also feeding himself with his spoon. Most goes in his mouth the rest goes on his face but he gets all upset when it ends or when he cant get the last bit of yoghurt out of the pot!
Were taking him swimming tomorrow. We haven't had a chance to go since the weekend after New Years, Rory loves it though. I have a few photos to post including one of Rory all dressed up on Australia day and I'm sure Brad took videos of him too which I must put up. I'll post more soon it won't be so long between posts next time. Oh and Happy New Year!