Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sweeping up

Rory loves giving the kitchen a good sweep.


Rory enjoying a bowl of sliced apple...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Year 2013

Hello, it's been so long since we posted anything. At first we were so busy in the run up to Christmas then after Christmas we were busy trying to get back to normal!! Rory received lots of presents and had a great time. Brad didn't get much time off and was working every Sunday the month of December so he was very busy but its settled down now. I had time off over Christmas which I spent with Rory and Brad and I also celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. 
Since Christmas Rory has gotten more teeth (molars this time) and he has become very proficient at sweeping the kitchen floor! Still not saying much mostly just Dada but he makes up for his lack of vocabulary in volume! He is also feeding himself with his spoon. Most goes in his mouth the rest goes on his face but he gets all upset when it ends or when he cant get the last bit of yoghurt out of the pot!
Were taking him swimming tomorrow. We haven't had a chance to go since the weekend after New Years, Rory loves it though. I have a few photos to post including one of Rory all dressed up on Australia day and I'm sure Brad took videos of him too which I must put up. I'll post more soon it won't be so long between posts next time. Oh and Happy New Year!