Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Shock and Thaw

This is a video from the winter we meant to put up a while back.  Rory's surprise at the snow cover in the back yard.

Rory's first holiday

Here's a little clip from Rory playing on the beach at Rosslare, Wexford.  His first trip away from home overnight.  Just a shame the weather was a bit overcast and windy.  We still had a good time playing on the beach.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Nearly Brad's birthday

Hey everyone, just checking in. Rory is in great form he has learnt how to climb all the chairs in our house so nothing is safe any longer!! Last Sunday I went out for afternoon tea with my mam, Gemma, Saoirse and Catherine for my mams birthday. We got all dressed up and went to the Shelbourne and it was so fancy! The food was great we even had a cup made out of chocolate! Brad and I went to Steven and Ciaras wedding which was lovely and we had a great time!
 We have been getting ready for a visit from Aaron and Shelly (from Australia) happening next week which is coincidentally Brads birthday! We are going out for a few drinks too next Saturday night. I'm making him a chocolate cake for his birthday and we will have it this Sunday at mam and dads. It should be a good celebration! Rory got a cookie monster which counts cookies and he thinks its great he keeps saying "nom nom"! Here is a photo of him with it and the zoo photos along with the afternoon tea photo!