Sunday, August 4, 2013

Delayed news

Sorry its been so long since I've updated the blog. Weve been busy! It was my birthday in July and we had a lovely heat-wave. Its cooled down a lot now though. Rory is still running around like crazy and only saying mama, dada and uh-oh. Still we have high hopes he will say something different soon!
Im incluing some photos from my birthday when Brad and I took Rory to DunLaoire pier. It was very hot but we had a lovely walk and Rory got his first ice-cream cone which he tried to squeeze in half!
I had a barbeque that weekend to celebrate which was great. 
We have some other news, we have to move house as the owner wants to sell this house. It means a lot of stress for the next few weeks while we find somewhere, move and get settled. Still I hope it will all be done before Christmas.
Anyway if we do have news I'll post soon.