Sunday, October 25, 2015

Scott's Birthday cake

Morning of Scott's 1st Birthday.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

About time

Hi its been ages since I've posted on the blog so I'm going to put up a few photos today. We've been busy since Scott arrived and I'm back to work about two months now. Brad is doing well in his new job he likes it a lot. Rory is getting so big and is starting his preschool year in September. It's amazing how quick the time has gone and I can't believe that in a few months I'll be buying a school bag and lunch-box and copies.
Scott is getting big now. He has one tooth and another on the way, he has learnt how to roll over and sits up really well and today he pulled himself up into standing using the coffee table. There's no stopping him at all!!!
The weather has been nice on and off so we had the paddling pool out yesterday and the boys loved it! Rory was in it nearly the entire afternoon. And Scott had a great time splashing around.
So that's it for today I will try to post a few videos too.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Scott's first attempt at solid food

Scott has his first shot at Baby rice. Rory has some suggestions to try and get Scott to take it.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Scott is getting big!

Hi its been a while since I've put up a post. Scott has been keeping us busy he's laughing away now. He wants me or Brad most of the time so its hard to put him down or get him to stay with anyone else. 
We had his christening the other week so its not only official but the party to celebrate naming him is over! He looked very cute and Rory was adorable in a suit shirt and tie just like his daddy! Niamh made his cake and I've attached a photo it was amazing. 
Its been great having Brad at home since before Christmas we've done so much as a family and its been easier on me looking after the boys with him around. Lets hope his next job lets him have a bit of freedom to be home with us at least 2 days a week.
Scott is getting very chatty lots of babbling he seems to like the sound of Rory's voice and tries to join in when Rory is talking! He also watches him like a hawk. Rory in his turn is always asking where Scott is and wants to kiss and cuddle him all the time sometimes its scary how much he loves his brother!!
Anyway it wont be so long to the next post now that I'm getting the boys sorted!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Scott starts some laughing

Scott having some giggles on the bed.