Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New House

Hey it's just me today. Brad is still in work and suffice to say my new job didn't work out so now I'm back to just having one job again. Anyway, I thought I'd let everyone know we moved in last week (on Thursday) and we have started to settle in. We have scrubbed and cleaned and the place looks better and I burnt my sage so the house feels more welcome and on Sunday I baked Ginger cake so it smells better now too!
We don't have much left to unpack or sort out just our garden but that will be done soon. It's feeling a lot more like home now. So much so we've even decided to have a Halloween fancy dress party here! We only have to wait and see if anyone can make it before we start organising the costumes. That's all our news at the moment though. I'll put up another post soon. Oh and Mark and Emer it's not too early to start Christmas shopping if you have to send the presents in November to make sure they get to Ireland in time!! So don't give out!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hello everyone. Well we have a bit of news this week we are moving on Thursday! So our first night in the new house will be Thursday night, after we've cleaned and scrubbed it thoroughly as the previous tennants left it in a bit of a mess. I am going to burn some sage too cause it's got a miserable feeling to it and i hope that will cleanse it and make it feel more homely. I started my Christmas shopping today too, picking up a few things to send to Ireland! Oh and I start my new job on Tuesday!

Hello all. On Friday we had a little family engagement dinner in Bendigo. Everyone had a great night and the food was great. Was good to catch up with all the family. The picture is of us cutting the delicious chocolate cake that my Auntie Anne made for our engagement.
Going to be a pretty busy week with all the cleaning and moving. Somehow the previous tennants even managed to put marks on the ceilings.
(I think they were doing spider pig!) Hopefully we'll have our internet back on again this time next week so we can post our next message from the new place.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How's the serenity?

Hey so today is Fathers day in Australia (so happy fathers day Les) and we were out last night for dinner in Kyneton with Heather, Les, Narelle, Bruce and Nicholas. It was great spending time with Brad's family and hearing all the news. We have news ourselves we got the house we looked at so we are moving to "Serenity Way" off "Nirvana Drive", I'm sure its going to be heavenly!! We don't move just yet though and we will let everyone know what are new address is when we do. Oh and I've got a ticket for Kylie in December and I'm so excited!

Should find out when we can move into the new place this week. Just waiting for the owner to get carpets done. Been a bit under the weather lately with some nasty colds going around the office. Aimee brought home a big stash of giant pills to help me get by as well as lego to keep my mind off the pain.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dinner Party!

Hi all sorry we haven't been in touch but there hasn't been much to say. We went to view a house last week and we are waiting with bated breath to hear if we have it. I have bought the bridesmaid material now and it's winging its way to Ireland as I write! Brad has been working hard as usual, doing some overtime and I have been looking for a new job and went for an interview with a recruitment agency. We had a great night last Thursday as we had invited Scot and Mel over to our house for dinner and surprise! they came! I cooked enchiladas with rice for dinner and I made brownies for desert which we had with vanilla ice-cream! Mel and I then polished off the bottle of champagne before our guests headed home. It was a success my first dinner party! Brad and I are going to be out with some of his family on Saturday night as it is nearing father's day in Australia and it is also Les' birthday. I'll update if we have more news about the house.