Sunday, September 7, 2008

How's the serenity?

Hey so today is Fathers day in Australia (so happy fathers day Les) and we were out last night for dinner in Kyneton with Heather, Les, Narelle, Bruce and Nicholas. It was great spending time with Brad's family and hearing all the news. We have news ourselves we got the house we looked at so we are moving to "Serenity Way" off "Nirvana Drive", I'm sure its going to be heavenly!! We don't move just yet though and we will let everyone know what are new address is when we do. Oh and I've got a ticket for Kylie in December and I'm so excited!

Should find out when we can move into the new place this week. Just waiting for the owner to get carpets done. Been a bit under the weather lately with some nasty colds going around the office. Aimee brought home a big stash of giant pills to help me get by as well as lego to keep my mind off the pain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you have found a place and hope all is well