Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New House

Hey it's just me today. Brad is still in work and suffice to say my new job didn't work out so now I'm back to just having one job again. Anyway, I thought I'd let everyone know we moved in last week (on Thursday) and we have started to settle in. We have scrubbed and cleaned and the place looks better and I burnt my sage so the house feels more welcome and on Sunday I baked Ginger cake so it smells better now too!
We don't have much left to unpack or sort out just our garden but that will be done soon. It's feeling a lot more like home now. So much so we've even decided to have a Halloween fancy dress party here! We only have to wait and see if anyone can make it before we start organising the costumes. That's all our news at the moment though. I'll put up another post soon. Oh and Mark and Emer it's not too early to start Christmas shopping if you have to send the presents in November to make sure they get to Ireland in time!! So don't give out!


Mark said...

I wasn't giving out - more jealous - that's some organising! Fancy coming to visit my office, as it could do with some organising too? Now where did I put that mouse ...

Unknown said...

I wasn't giving out! I think it was just I had heard so much about christmas on the radio and shops getting ready for it and then you were saying you were going to be getting yours! Have to agree with Mark you are very organised but you always were!...