Sunday, March 1, 2009

Februrary News

Hey so there isn't any real news at the moment. Brad and I are busy trying to find a home for Tink, and post boxes of things home to Ireland. We haven't been out much. We went out for dinner with Marlene and Colin the Friday before last and we have been to the cinema to see "The International" and "He's just not that into you". Scott came over for the usual boys day on Thursday but he brought Mel with him so we went to see "Bride Wars" which was good and we did a bit of shopping and had some cake!
I went into the city today to the Sunday Market and the Vic Market. It will probably be for the last time (at least for this trip) so it was nice to wander. Other than that we have no news we are trying to organise farewells with most our friends and clearing out and cleaning the house before we hand back the keys. It still seems to me like we've got a lot of time before we leave but when I look at the calendar its not. So Thats it for now. I hope we'll have more news next time.

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