Monday, July 13, 2009

Festival time

Hello everyone. We have had a fun week. Last tuesday we went to Kilmainham gaol. This was where many political prisoners were held during the british rule in Ireland, the prison was an old victorian gaol first and the cells are tiny and dark. The guide was very good and knew a lot about the gaol. We saw where Irish patriots were executed by firing squad after the 1916 easter rising. It was very interesting.
Yesterday we went to Oxegan(a 3 day music festival held outside Dublin). We had gotten free VIP tickets off my friend Steven who works for the band "The Killers", it was so cool! We got to see lots of acts a few up and coming ones and a few more well known like Katy Perry, The Killers and The ting tings. We had a good day even though the rain was falling and the ground was really mucky!
I'll just add that Lady Gaga was rubbish and not only couldn't sing, but didn't really sing at all. She also went through 3 outfits which is kinda stupid in a festival. Mucky really means the place was a field of mud and thankfully I had wellies on. Other bands were great though and even though it poured rain a couple of times, most of the day was great.
I've also been offered a job with a graduation photography company commencing around September which should be good.

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