Sunday, November 28, 2010

First snowfall

So sorry I haven't posted anything in ages but now I have lots to say! Brad has got a new job he starts working for Power City (kind of like the good guys) on the 6th of december. So he's very happy about that. I went to the All blacks match in the new Aviva stadium last weekend which was amazing. Ireland lost of course but the stadium is fantastic and the match was very good (at one point we were even leading the scores but that was early in the first half!). It's very cold here at the moment, as I type this it's -5 degrees! But thats an improvement on this morning when it was -7. As you can guess from the blog title we have had some snow this weekend which has destroyed my Christmas shopping! Its very pretty out but traffic will be bad going into town and its very cold so I'm spending the day inside! Ive attached some photos I took this morning just from our estate. Maybe we will even have a white Christmas.

halloween pics

Here is the pumpkin Brad carved with his piratey face! Lit and un-lit. And a picture of the Aviva stadium just before the Ireland v All Blacks rugby match last weekend.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Getting ready for Halloween

So at the moment we are getting ready for Halloween which is on Sunday. We are having a bit of a party on Saturday. It will be at our appartment and we are going to watch a few Halloween movies! Brad is carving a pumpkin again this year as he did the year we had the party in Australia. So we will have to post photos on the blog. There is no other news really. Everything is quiet here and we haven't been up to much. The weather is turning much colder its much more like winter.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Heritage park

Well a few weeks ago Brad and I were off and we took a trip to the heritage park in county Wexford. It was a nice day and the park is organised so that as you walk around the park you pass through different periods of early irish history. You walk from early Irish settlements, through the bronze age settlements on to early irish cristain settlements. We took some photos which I'll post. We also went out last weekend for my friend Niamh's 30th birthday. It was a Karaoke night with dinner and cocktails after! Brad joined us later in the night as he was working. We have no other news though. My book club is reading Rebecca and Brad is enjoying the course he's doing on a monday night.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More London

Just a few more photos to see. Oh and take note of the name of the proprietor of the pub!!! The Mc Mullens are everywhere!!

Had a great time in London. Its a real tourist's city with so much to see and do and so much history while also being very modern in parts. The London dungeons were probably my favourite part of the trip, but I was continually picked out from the crowd to be demonstrated on for the various tortures. Only thing that was a pitty was the pubs all closing early at 11pm, but we were there during the week, so im sure they open later on the weekends. New York might still be my favourite city though, just by a little bit.
We also happened to be doing the tour bus in London on the same day of the anniversary of the London Blitz so we got to see a WW2 lancaster bomber and a Spitfire fly over the city.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

London yeah!

Hello all! Well we've been home from london for a week now and we had a great time! We saw a lot of sights and met a few friends! Brad and I went with Leanne and Emer to London from monday to friday and we stayed near Victoria train station which is near Buckingham palace and Westminster. We did a tour bus and a boat trip, we saw a show and had dinner in brick lane (all indian curry houses) and we shopped on oxford street. We had a very busy few days running from one sight to the next but we really enjoyed ourselves. We saw Westminster abbey which was wonderful inside with all the writers and poets tombs as well as the dead monarchs! Tower of London was equally as interesting and I loooved the crown jewels! Brad knows what I want for Christmas!
We had a quick visit to the British museum to the egyptology wing which I enjoyed. We had a great time at the London dungeon. This is a place where actors are dressed up to scare you with stories as you walk around through some of londons historical past. They demonstrated soem of the torture instruments on Brad which was funny and then he got put in the dock and sentenced by a judge which was even funnier! It was a good laugh. We met my frind Steven over there by accident and Emers friend Mark on purpose (he lives there!). We will rock you was a good show all music from Queen so we were all singing along. We did lots of other things including visiting Kensington palace and gardens and Harrods. All in all it was a fantastic holiday.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New Car

Sorry its been so long since we posted anything. First I have to tell you we went to Castlepalooza. Its a small festival at a castle in tullamore. We camped overnight and had fun hanging out with our friends. I have put up some photos. The next weekend I was in Waterford for our friend Clare's birthday which was great. My mam and Dad have been and gone to Sicily and we are getting ready to go to London. But our big news for this week is that we're getting a new car!! Its a Ford Mondeo, silver and brad picks it up tomorrow so I'll get him to put a photo on the blog then.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

All the fun of the cirque!

Hello, it's my birthday today so I have been having lots of fun opening presents! I got pandora beads off Helen and Leanne a lovely L'occitane body souffle off Emer. Shirley and Graham got me a pilgrim necklace! I got vouchers for new shoes from the girls in work and Brad bought me a sandwich toaster!! He also got me vouchers for clothes in my favourite store and a disney dvd. So I think I'm doing really well at the moment!! We went to see Cirque du soleil the other night which was amazing! So funny and spectacular. It was the Saltimbanco show and I'd definitely see it again! We went out last night and had a great time. I have some photos attached.

Cirque du soleil was really good and pretty funny. I liked the mime artist guy Eddy the most, involving the audience a lot in his perfomance. Looking forward to a big dinner at Aimees parents today to offset the overdose of alcohol from last night.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

New design!

I hope you like our new look for the blog. Also check out some photos from when Jason, Barb and Katie came to visit!
Happy birthday to Helen too for during the week!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


We were delighted to be off this week, not only to enjoy the lovely weather we have had, but also because Jason came to visit us in Ireland. He didn't come alone either! He was travelling with his friends Barbara and Katie both of whom are lovely! They arrived on Wednesday and Brad and I met them at the airport. That afternoon after they sorted out accommodation we headed to the Guinness storehouse where the girls poured their own pints and Jason drank his! While they were here we did trips to Newgrange and Knowth and we took them to the two sisters (my parents local!). We also had a nice day yesterday at Powerscourt waterfall and walking around the gardens. They left here this morning and we dropped them to the airport. It's been a busy few days and we're back to work tomorrow but it was so nice to have visitors!

They all seemed to have a really good time and enjoyed the local atmosphere, especially watching the World Cup match in the Woolshed (Aussie/NZ bar in the city) on wednesday night. They got a true taste of the "World Cup fever" i think. It was good hearing some aussie accents again too. Hopefully the nice weather keeps up and we have a good summer. As Jason, Barb and Katie found out, 18 degrees here feels a lot warmer than 18 in Australia. Must be a humidity thing.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Apartment photos

Ok, here it is finally! The photos of our new home! It is small and I didn't take photos from every angle but it will give you an idea. And just so you know our bedroom is much bigger than what you see in the photo but we still haven't unpacked everything so I didn't photograph that side of the room!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Giants Causeway

Hello everyone. Brad and I just got home from a trip up north this weekend. We left on Saturday and headed up to Belfast which nowadays is a nice short journey. We stayed in a nice hotel near Queens university on Saturday night and did a little shopping in the city while we were there. Today we went up to see the Giants Causeway. The causeway is about an hour from the city and is on the northern coastline. It is a part of the coastline made of volcanic rock which formed of 60 million years ago from volcanic eruptions under water into mostly hexagonal shapes. Its pretty cool looking! It is called the Giants Causeway because in Irish legends it was supposedly formed by an Irish Giant who wanted to fight a Scottish giant (from the coastline of Northern Ireland you can see Scotland). Brad, however, has an altogether different theory. He believes that it was formed by Aliens because it looks too man-made! Anyway we took a lovely drive down the coast road on the way back and the sun was shining so we had a lovely day and just got back home now!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our new home.

Well we have lots of news this week. Brad and I went to view an apartment last week and we liked it so much we decided to rent it. We moved in on St. Patrick's day and we have made ourselves quite comfortable! It's a one bedroom apartment in Chapelizod which for those who don't know is slightly west and south of the city. It's near the large park (Phoenix park). We have a lovely sitting room and a good size bedroom, a large bathroom and a small galley kitchen. We will put up photos once we take them but we have to find the camera first! We have moved nearly everything over and now we are trying to find places for everything. Still we won't complain because its nice to have our own space. Brad also got some good news in that he will be moving to a different store for work and he will be getting more hours so we're both pretty happy at the moment!

Happy St Patricks Day!

Sorry I didn't put this up on the day (March 17th). Happy St. Patricks Day to everyone!

New York Photos