Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More London

Just a few more photos to see. Oh and take note of the name of the proprietor of the pub!!! The Mc Mullens are everywhere!!

Had a great time in London. Its a real tourist's city with so much to see and do and so much history while also being very modern in parts. The London dungeons were probably my favourite part of the trip, but I was continually picked out from the crowd to be demonstrated on for the various tortures. Only thing that was a pitty was the pubs all closing early at 11pm, but we were there during the week, so im sure they open later on the weekends. New York might still be my favourite city though, just by a little bit.
We also happened to be doing the tour bus in London on the same day of the anniversary of the London Blitz so we got to see a WW2 lancaster bomber and a Spitfire fly over the city.

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