Thursday, July 3, 2008

Just arrived (sort of)

Hello all!!
So I arrived safe as you may have guessed!! I am doing fine. Getting over my jet-lag! Its hard work though. Brad and I have been getting used to one another again! We went to visit his mum Helen at the weekend (It was her birthday) and we went out with his family for dinner. It was great they make me feel so welcome! And other than that Brad has been letting me "play house" by getting little things to make it feel more like our home and not just his. Still no word on the visa for those who want to know. And I got a new number but I sent it to most people so if you don't have it ask. Anyway thats all for now. We went to see Hancock earlier its good go see it!
Missing you all lots

1 comment:

MáirtínTJ said...

Okey so who's mom is named Helen? Isn't that your mom A?