Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hey all!
So I have a bit of news for anyone who's keeping up with the blog, Brad and I are going to New Zealand. We're heading on the 28th till the 1st of August so I can sort out my visa (fingers crossed). Anyway we are looking forward to it, it will be a nice holiday and Brad has never been to New Zealand. We are staying in Auckland but we'll make the most of it by doing a few tours outside of the city. We've even booked a 4 star hotel!
I've also got some other news. Brad has gotten tickets to see Wicked! for my birthday. We're going on thursday and I'm so excited! I
can't wait to see it! I hear its booked out on Broadway so I hope the Melbourne show will be just as good. I'll post a message after we've seen it!
Love Aimee

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