Saturday, August 2, 2008

Zorb II: The Zorb strikes back

Kia Ora!! Or hello! How is everyone?! You'll all have to start leaving messages on this! So Brad and I are back from New Zealand as you may know we had to go there to sort out my visa but its all done now and I'm ready to start the job hunting!
We had a great time. Our hotel was lovely and very central and despite the horrible weather (two storms hit Auckland while we were there) we managed to have a great time. We visited Kelly Tarltons and saw the Sharks being fed. We took a fantastic day trip to Waitomo to see the glow worm caves ( a
nd continued on the same day to Rotorua to do some zorbing! We also went to a geothermal park and saw a Maori cultural show.
After the visa got sorted we also had a go at the Skywalk at the top of the Auckland Sky Tower 192m up! This was excellent but slightly scary as the wind was very strong from the storms and I did feel like I was going to be blown off the tower! All in all it was a great trip.

NZ was loads of fun and it barely felt like we were out of Australia. I can see why a lot of people refer to it as the 8th State. Zorbing was loads of fun and the Sky Walk was a little scary but really exciting.
The Chicken Cordon Bleu was an absolute credit to the airline.


Wayne Allen Sallee said...

Hi, just visiting from Next Blog Over. I blog with a fellow writer in NZ. Thanks for adding the link to the glow worms, they were cool. Stay well.

Unknown said...


Niamhy said...

Ok I must be particularly stupid today because it's after taking me 15 minutes to figure out how to post a message. On a more imporatnt note isn't wicked class and also zorbing looks like fun!