Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dinner Party!

Hi all sorry we haven't been in touch but there hasn't been much to say. We went to view a house last week and we are waiting with bated breath to hear if we have it. I have bought the bridesmaid material now and it's winging its way to Ireland as I write! Brad has been working hard as usual, doing some overtime and I have been looking for a new job and went for an interview with a recruitment agency. We had a great night last Thursday as we had invited Scot and Mel over to our house for dinner and surprise! they came! I cooked enchiladas with rice for dinner and I made brownies for desert which we had with vanilla ice-cream! Mel and I then polished off the bottle of champagne before our guests headed home. It was a success my first dinner party! Brad and I are going to be out with some of his family on Saturday night as it is nearing father's day in Australia and it is also Les' birthday. I'll update if we have more news about the house.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, hope you didnt make your lovely creamy rice pudding!!