Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hello everyone. Well we have a bit of news this week we are moving on Thursday! So our first night in the new house will be Thursday night, after we've cleaned and scrubbed it thoroughly as the previous tennants left it in a bit of a mess. I am going to burn some sage too cause it's got a miserable feeling to it and i hope that will cleanse it and make it feel more homely. I started my Christmas shopping today too, picking up a few things to send to Ireland! Oh and I start my new job on Tuesday!

Hello all. On Friday we had a little family engagement dinner in Bendigo. Everyone had a great night and the food was great. Was good to catch up with all the family. The picture is of us cutting the delicious chocolate cake that my Auntie Anne made for our engagement.
Going to be a pretty busy week with all the cleaning and moving. Somehow the previous tennants even managed to put marks on the ceilings.
(I think they were doing spider pig!) Hopefully we'll have our internet back on again this time next week so we can post our next message from the new place.


Mark said...

There's organised, and there's too organised ... stop buying Christmas presents in September. It's not right!!

Mark x

Unknown said...

CHRISTMAS!!! Its too early! Whats ur new job?