Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hello. It's been a busy month so far. All the Christmas presents are bought and wrapped, and in the case of the Irish ones, in the post. All the Christmas cards are sent and our tree still has some baubles on it (there are some still out of the cat's reach).
Thanks to everyone who sent us a card and to the people who sent presents! We haven't opened any presents yet so Christmas morning will be all the more exciting.
We've also received some wedding cards, thanks everyone who sent one. But we would like to suggest that people hold off on any wedding gifts until we're back in Ireland. Saves you spending loads on postage to Australia and us posting it back to Ireland in a few weeks.
I went to my work Christmas party last week which was good. We also went and saw Twilight at the movies after a little bit of Christmas shopping.

Got my leprechaun hat (with attached beard) in the mail. Thanks loads Gemma! Gonna take it in to work to show all the gang in the office. I've been doing some long shifts at work with the lead up to Christmas and will be going right up to my 12 hour shift on Christmas Eve. The cat was obviously concerned that I might not have woken up this morning at 2am for work, so she took it upon herself to charge up and down the house doing her 'cat howling' at 1:40am. Just as well I've got the next 2 days off!

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