Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh Christmas tree

Hey so last week was quite busy for us. I met up with Marlene and Lindsey for dinner (which was great), Scott and Mel hung out with us on Thursday and stayed for fish and chips dinner, and I had a job interview on the Friday. We also went to Alana and Darren's wedding on the Saturday. It was lovely. All black and white theme. The wedding took place outside in the courtyard of a hotel in Bendigo and the reception was indoors at the same hotel. The food was nice and she had a fantastic cupcake wedding cake made by Brad's auntie Anne. I also managed to post off the Christmas cards and presents so I can rest now till next year!!
All this and a week of very early starting for me. Christmas time has brought some nice 3am starts along with it (that's arriving in work at 3am). The wedding was a great laugh and would have been even better if I'd been able to take advantage of the free alcohol. Summer has been in hiding and we've been getting plenty of storms here and also some colds, probably due to the crazy changes in weather every day. Aimee has had her sore throat and sniffy nose all week and now I can feel my throat tingling too, just in time for my days off. Off into the city tomorrow to pick up Aimee's wedding band, which we had specially made.
We also put up the Christmas tree and Tinky took to pruning it right away as well as stealing the bobbles off the branches. 'Twill be the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature will be stirring, except for the cat rolling a christmas bobble across the wooden floorboards.

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