Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our Week-aversary

Well it's been a busy week! We had a good time last Sunday, both Brad and I were in work so my mam and dad went to the winery area with Seamus, Jocelyn and Niamh. Afterwards they met us for dinner and then Brad took my dad to the cricket while mam and I went up the Rialto tower. It was a lovely evening. On monday we spent some time with Scott and Mel and Frank before having our last dinner together. They left on Tuesday and I was very sad at the airport but as Brad keeps reminding me it won't be long till we see them again. Thank you everyone for all the kind messages about the wedding. I'm glad you like the photos. Im collecting lots off the people who were at it so I'll have an entire album full soon! I can't believe we are now married a week. Yesterday I talked Brad into opening a bottle of champagne (thanks Niamh!!) to celebrate our week-aversary (Brad wont let me call it a one week anniversary cause the word anniversary means yearly so I made up my own word)! We even took a photo!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The wedding

Well its official! We've tied the knot! We had a fantastic day yesterday. I stayed with mam in the city in a lovely hotel on the Thursday night. We got our hair done and relaxed while Brad stayed at home with my dad. On the big day we were up early getting texts from you all in Ireland! We got ready and were at the registry office in plenty of time. The Ceremony was lovely, my dad gave me away and we walked up the aisle to my favourite pachelbel cannon.

Everyone enjoyed the ceremony and the wedding cupcakes which my Auntie Anne baked at the crack of dawn that morning for us. After a stroll and some photos in the nearby gardens we headed down for lunch at the Langham hotel on Southbank. We had a fantastic view of the city and the yarra river. We had a brilliant all you could eat buffet, with everything you could think of from Indian Naan breads baked to order to the fountain of chocolate with strawberries for dipping.
Tim made a great speach after lunch and then we all moved on to a bar in Crown for more drinks than anyone can recall today.

Well when we finally left there we headed back to the hotel where Mel, Scott, Frank and Steph had booked us a beautiful room and decorated it with rose petals. It was lovely to see. Today we are a little tired and we took mam and dad to Healsville animal sanctuary. I hope you enjoy the few photos

Hen night photos

Hey just a couple of pics from my Aussie hen night on 27th of December.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year

Hey Happy New Year! We've been very busy the last few days so we are very sorry we haven't found time to leave a message. We picked up my mam and dad last Sunday (28th) and they have been staying with us since, and it's been great! I missed them a lot so it's nice to see them everyday. We've taken them to the city to Victoria market and the ANZAC memorial. We also went to Ballarat to Sovereign Hill where we panned for gold and got our photo taken "old style"! We had a party New Years eve and Brad cooked a delicious BBQ. We had some people over and a lot of drink and some champagne to ring in the new year. On new years day we went to visit Brads dad and Heather and they had a lovely BBQ with some people over including more of Brads family so my parents have met my future in-laws! I hope you all had a great new year and Ill put another post up this week.
Hope everybody had a happy new year. Had a great night here with a BBQ party at the house. I managed to even have a few drinks myself. Been playing tour guide this last week for Tim and Helen. Think they've been enjoying the unseasonably cool weather (nice mid 20's) and we've all gotten a little more tanned walking about town. Getting married this Friday. Everyone has to keep reminding me as I keep thinking its still weeks away. Hard to believe the last few months have gone so quickly. We'll be back in Ireland in no time at all.
Unfortunately stuck in work for the next 4 days, so have to leave the rest of the guiding to Aimee. Please enjoy Ye olde photo.