Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our Week-aversary

Well it's been a busy week! We had a good time last Sunday, both Brad and I were in work so my mam and dad went to the winery area with Seamus, Jocelyn and Niamh. Afterwards they met us for dinner and then Brad took my dad to the cricket while mam and I went up the Rialto tower. It was a lovely evening. On monday we spent some time with Scott and Mel and Frank before having our last dinner together. They left on Tuesday and I was very sad at the airport but as Brad keeps reminding me it won't be long till we see them again. Thank you everyone for all the kind messages about the wedding. I'm glad you like the photos. Im collecting lots off the people who were at it so I'll have an entire album full soon! I can't believe we are now married a week. Yesterday I talked Brad into opening a bottle of champagne (thanks Niamh!!) to celebrate our week-aversary (Brad wont let me call it a one week anniversary cause the word anniversary means yearly so I made up my own word)! We even took a photo!

1 comment:

MáirtínTJ said...

Happy Weekaversary.
Won't be long until your first monthaversary. Then the quartervarsery. And the halfyearaversary (is that ruby?).