Sunday, February 1, 2009


Hi sorry we haven't been in touch its been busy and hot over here! We went to the Australian open tennis thursday the 22nd of January. It was good we saw Nadal play so I was happy and we also saw a couple of the Aussie players. The mens final is on as I type, Nadal is playing Federer. We've also been having a bit of a heatwave this week. Monday wasn't too bad only in the 30's but Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were all in the 40's, Friday being the hottest day on record reaching 45! We don't have any air conditioning so I can tell you we really felt it! We are so glad it dropped yesterday to 25 and today was only 32. Now the big news we've booked our return tickets to Ireland! So we'll be leaving Australia on the 1st of April arriving in Dublin on the 2nd! I can't wait to see everyone!

Aprils Fools day. It's no joke though. Monday just gone was Australia day and even though Aimee and I both worked all day, we still had a small BBQ with my brother Jason. Hope you all
had a lamb chop wherever you were. Tennis has been on the TV all week which makes it easier to sit up late in the sweltering heat. Its been in the high 30's all through the nights even. Yesterday we paid a visit to Seamus, Jocelyn and Niamh and had a BBQ lunch (no shortages of BBQs in summer here).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All sounds good there! Am finally home and am settling in for the night as it is starting to snow again!