Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gold Class

Hey, it's just me again. Brad is over at Franks house with Scott for game day! I haven't got much news. We are trying to sell our furniture and we are getting organised to leave the house. We are going out tomorrow night with a few friends for dinner (Marlene, Lindsey, Aaron, Julie and John). The Avalon air show is on this weekend and we are all going but we are all praying it doesn't rain on us!
Brad finished work on Wednesday, he's all happy now. I don't finish till next week. We went to the cinema last Saturday to see the watchmen with vouchers for gold class that Marlene had given us as our wedding present. Gold class is amazing! You sit in a lazy boy recliner and have plenty of space and your own table and a waiter who brings you popcorn and drinks! It was good to see a long movie and take full advantage of the comfort!
So thats it for news, except we saw some Kangaroos out the front of our house this morning. They were pretty close and Brad took the photo below.

1 comment:

MáirtínTJ said...

Hi Aimée and Brad.
I guess you guys are in Ireland - Gemma has been complaining on Facebook about all the noise above her!
How are the wedding plans going? I know Helen is making your dress now that Gran is busy getting better (that's "your dress, Aimée" not Brad's).