Friday, July 18, 2008

Wicked Birthday!

It's my Birthday!!! Last night Brad took me to see Wicked! It's the story about the wicked witch of the west from the wizard of Oz. We liked it, is very witty and the music is good. I got a lovely birthday card from Brad's mum Helen (Thanks Helen) and Brad gave me a card and a very snazzy i-pod touch! I have to work out how to use it now! Spoke to my mum and Gem this morning on Skype. They were on to wish me a happy birthday. We are heading out to dinner tonight and its been a nice birthday so far!

I particularly liked the small touches on the show, like the street ligh
ts out front of the theatre that were all green and the drink glasses that had green lights built in.
This morning was a dipped theme lunch/late breakfast consisting of potato wedges, pita bread and various flavour dips. This was followed by more pavlova than we could possibly eat. This evening will be some fine quality oriental dining at Silks in the city.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hey all!
So I have a bit of news for anyone who's keeping up with the blog, Brad and I are going to New Zealand. We're heading on the 28th till the 1st of August so I can sort out my visa (fingers crossed). Anyway we are looking forward to it, it will be a nice holiday and Brad has never been to New Zealand. We are staying in Auckland but we'll make the most of it by doing a few tours outside of the city. We've even booked a 4 star hotel!
I've also got some other news. Brad has gotten tickets to see Wicked! for my birthday. We're going on thursday and I'm so excited! I
can't wait to see it! I hear its booked out on Broadway so I hope the Melbourne show will be just as good. I'll post a message after we've seen it!
Love Aimee

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Just arrived (sort of)

Hello all!!
So I arrived safe as you may have guessed!! I am doing fine. Getting over my jet-lag! Its hard work though. Brad and I have been getting used to one another again! We went to visit his mum Helen at the weekend (It was her birthday) and we went out with his family for dinner. It was great they make me feel so welcome! And other than that Brad has been letting me "play house" by getting little things to make it feel more like our home and not just his. Still no word on the visa for those who want to know. And I got a new number but I sent it to most people so if you don't have it ask. Anyway thats all for now. We went to see Hancock earlier its good go see it!
Missing you all lots